Common Mistakes People Make After a Car Accident in Missouri

We all hope that we’ll know exactly what to do in a crisis, but reality often proves otherwise. This is especially true in the moments, days, and weeks following a Missouri car accident. While there’s no way to truly prepare yourself for a car accident, you can learn from others’ mistakes. 

7 Mistakes to Avoid After a Missouri Car Accident

Leaving the Scene

Under Missouri law, leaving the scene of a car accident is a criminal offense. If you’re involved in an accident – no matter how minor – you must stay at the scene. Otherwise, you could be charged with a hit-and-run. 

Not Calling 911

One of the first things you should do immediately following a car accident is to dial 911. First, the police can arrive to document the scene and file an official report, which will serve as a key piece of evidence in your case. Additionally, you should be assessed by a medical professional, even if you don’t think your injuries are severe. Many car accident injuries only manifest or get worse following the accident, especially some of the most serious injuries. Get a head start on healing by seeking medical attention right away. 

Failing to Follow a Treatment Plan

Once you receive medical attention, be sure to follow up and follow any treatment plans as directed by your doctor. Go to all your appointments, take the recommended medications, and continue treatment. Don’t forget to keep records of every visit so you can be properly compensated. Failing to follow the recommended treatments can not only affect your health; it can also call into question the severity of your injuries. 

Admitting Fault

Be careful what you say following an accident. That includes what you say on social media. Never admit fault; it can affect the amount of compensation you can claim following the accident. Stick to the facts, or when in doubt, don’t say anything or ask for legal representation.

Failing to Collect Evidence

The evidence you collect could make a significant difference in the outcome of your Missouri accident case. If possible, take pictures, ask for statements from witnesses, and keep a copy of the police report for your records. Evidence can prove that you were not at fault (or less at fault) than the other driver or drivers. 

Accepting a Low Settlement Offer

Many people mistakenly believe that insurance companies have their best interests in mind when offering a settlement, but that has proven many times to be a grave mistake. You could miss out on receiving the correct amount of compensation by accepting the first offer made by insurance. 

Not Consulting with a Car Accident Attorney

No matter the circumstances of your case, it’s always a good idea to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney who specializes in Missouri car accidents. Lawyers are experienced at handling car accident cases and can work for you in many ways to help you heal from injuries while seeking the maximum amount of compensation.

Avoid Mistakes – Contact Dreyer & Tinney

At Dreyer & Tinney, we are dedicated to serving our clients across Missouri who have been involved in an accident. Even if you’ve made one or more of the common mistakes listed above, we can still help you by reviewing your case and putting together a plan to pursue justice on your behalf. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with a member of the Dreyer & Tinney law team.